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  • Writer's pictureYara Suki

OH Shucks!

Updated: Jul 21, 2020

Talal and I always enjoy doing or trying new things. Crawfish was one of those new ideas a while ago. It's till fun for us to get the group together and crank out 30 pounds of crash at a minimum. Now that we have the crawfish pot, it's been easier to plan it.

This time, we wanted to give shucking oysters a shot. At Roy's Super Bowl Cajun extravaganza, we learned about the intricacies of shucking and making grilled oysters. When i say intricacies, I'm being sarcastic. it's really simple once you get the motion.

I was in charge of the toppings - melted butter, garlic, parmesan. Done.

Talal bought the equipment. Glove, shucking knife from Academy, oysters. Done.

Next, we just watched a few YouTube videos and we shucked. Some were much harder than others. A trick we learned is that they relax as they warm up. So, we just came back to the hard ones. they tasted YUMMY! So yummy, that they were gone in a jiffy.

At Hassoun's place

With Alaa, Mikey, Talal, Hassoun, Hamoudi, and Bassem

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