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Chili & Chives
"There is no sincerer love than the love of food." -George Bernard Shaw

Yara Suki
Apr 10, 2021
Crawfish Weekend!
Somehow, Talal and I ended up making crawfish two times in a a one-week period - once in Sugar Land and then once at Ryan & Christina's!...
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Yara Suki
Dec 23, 2020
After a crazy year like 2020, who would think there would be anything good to celebrate? While there is so much that can be said about...
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Yara Suki
Dec 20, 2020
Tante Juju invited us to a late lunch at their house. Knowing that Talal and I had been eating keto over the past two weeks, she was...
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Yara Suki
Nov 19, 2020
After a lot of hard work, we always celebrate with a good meal. Always. After the ICSC team kicked ass at the virtual competition, we had...
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Yara Suki
Jun 27, 2020
Grocery Store Sushi
I have a long history with grocery store sushi. When I was younger, living at home, I was always daddy's grocery store companion. We...
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Yara Suki
Jun 3, 2020
Chowder & Chives
The day after my 27th birthday, I stumbled upon a note I had written the night before (perhaps after a few drinks) of dish ideas I had...
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Yara Suki
May 30, 2020
A Birthday to Remember
This year, my birthday looked a little different than usual. Instead of my usual dinner outing or gathering with friends. Instead, Talal...
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Yara Suki
May 26, 2020
The Savory Side
I've written a lot about all the sweet things I've been putting in my bowls. Perhaps one day, this will serve as inspiration for a day...
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Yara Suki
May 9, 2020
Until We Meet Again...
In the interest of eating fish that wasn't salmon, because salmon is so been there done that, Talal and I chose two new types of fish to...
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Yara Suki
Sep 28, 2019
Not Leaving Without a Po-Boy
Talal, Diana and I took a weekend road trip to visit Mikey in NOLA. On our first evening, we had dinner at a spot named Meril by Emril...
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Yara Suki
Jul 19, 2019
#TBT #ThrowBack2Thailand
Daddy, Talal and I went out for dinner and daddy was craving Thai food of all things. We weren't complaining, but we did suggest we go to...
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Yara Suki
Apr 28, 2019
Let's Be Better Humans
It's April and the weather in Houston is finally warm enough to go for a nice, long walk. My parents had come early, prepared to go for a...
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Yara Suki
Feb 27, 2019
Molly's Scallops
I love scallops. Period. End of Story. When Bon Appétit posted a video of Molly making Pan-Seared Scallops with Chorizo and Corn, I had...
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Yara Suki
Sep 26, 2018
Tadich Grill
When Carl and I found out we were officially going to Dreamforce in San Francisco, the restaurant planning began. We quickly decided to...
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Yara Suki
Sep 26, 2018
COI ✻ ✻ ✻
In true Yara fashion, when I heard that I was going to San Francisco, I thought of all the incredible restaurants I could visit if I...
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Yara Suki
Sep 18, 2018
And She Persisted...
After 7 long weeks of tedious studying, I finally signed up to take my Real Estate licensing exam. It was very difficult to retain the...
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Yara Suki
Jul 14, 2018
Summer and the Sea
The perfect Saturday plans consist of hours spent outside, a hot grill under the even hotter Houston sun, and meal with the family. Talal...
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Yara Suki
Nov 30, 2017
By the Seaside
When I want something light and want to grab a quick meal, I usually don't call Mikey up. We prefer our meals to be severely over priced,...
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Yara Suki
Jul 28, 2017
Shrimp Noodle Soup
When you have a large tub of white miso, you start to fish around for yummy recipes that will use it up.. Today, I made a delicious pho...
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Yara Suki
Jun 21, 2017
Salmon Bowl
Out of nowhere one day, I thought to make a Salmon Bowl, inspired by Erica Batterman's Bowl Obsessed Instagram. She always has these...
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